1398 poze   50848 vizite
o 200 days with SelenaG challengeo i just wanna look good for youxhix 04-06-2015 II Selena xXx out in LAx 06-05-2015 II LVxcruise 2016 x RCx 09-07-2015 II x out in Los Angelesx 09-11-2015 II glamour woman of the year awards xx littleGOMEZx5x 10-11-2015 II Victoria s Secretsx 11-07-2015 II with JB beverly hillsx 11-12-2015 II BILLBOARD S 10th anual women in music Selly Gomezx 13-05-2015 II Adidas Neo Hangoutx 13-07-2015 II SG instagram videox 13-07-2015 II with Niall and friendsx 14-06-2015 II HT2 xXx Red Carpetx 14-07-2015 II Sell in MALIBU x CAx 15-06-2014 II x Press Confferencex 16-06-2015 II with Taylor Swift LAx 17-07-2015 II Selena Los Angelesx 18-06-2015 II gym in W Hollywoodx 18-06-2015 II lunch in Studio Cityx 18-07-2015 II SGwest x hollywoodx 19-06-2015 II Big Slick x Celebrity Softball Game x Selena Gomez LGx 20-06-2015 II Selena attending the Big Slick Celebrity x Bowling Gamex 22-06-2015 II 97 1 x AMP radio LAx 22-06-2015 II Hotel ChantellexNYx 22-06-2015 II Sele on Elvis Duran and The Morning Show in New Yorkx 22-06-2015 II Selena G on KIIS FMx 22-06-2015 II Times Square in NYx 23-06-2015 II JFK airport xx in NYx 23-06-2015 II MTV studio xx SMGx 23-06-2015 II Sell out in New Yorkx 25-06-2015 II Sele in Los Angelesx 25-06-2015 II With Ed Sheeran LAx 26-06-2015 II Hollywood Hills CAx 29-06-2015 II Selena out in Venicex American Music Awards 2015x ask II xjust ask me what you knowx good for you - MUSIC VIDEO smgx Good For You video teaser I songx Good for youxsingle photoshootx Happy B-DAY QUEEN I 22july1992x i remember ALEX moments SE01x i want you to know II SMG fanclubx my everything FOREVER selenax Selena Gomez II VxMagazine 2015x Selena Gomez PANTENE xx LGx5x Selena Gomez x instagram phsx Sell xPSxSummer Collection 2014x SG II AmericanBallet Theatre 2014x View My Profile Pictures x LGx5xox PERFECT TWO designs blog

membru din 5 April 2014

x Selena Gomez PANTENE xx LGx5

           ✖ Selena Gomez - Pantene. Dau own la album + poze. Back doar cu mesaj.

                     ✖ Own album; 0 people.
     ✖ own; the100q
     ✖ own; the100q
own; opportunity.
own; opportunity.

Comentarii album • 10
the100q 16 June 2015  
Merită să reprezinte gama de produse Pantene și chiar o prinde albul. Îmi dau seama și de ce au ales-o. La ce păr are! Dacă la-ș avea și eu. Și chiar i-au ieșit bine pozele.
LittleGOMEZx5 16 June 2015  
           ✖ Thanks for your comment, sweety :).
             ✖ the100q.sunphoto.ro
the100q 16 June 2015  
Aș dori own la poza 2 pagina 3
LittleGOMEZx5 16 June 2015  
           ✖ Thanks for your comment, sweety :).
             ✖ the100q.sunphoto.ro
ElenaGheorghe 15 June 2015  
Ma bucur ca ea reprezinta gama de produse Pantene , am vazut si eu aceste poze pe facebook si sunt perfecte.Ea este foarte frumoasa , foarte fotogenica iar sedinta foto a iesit foarte bine.Sunt sigura ca acum aceasta firma va avea un succes mai mare avand-o pe ea ca reprezentanta , ceea ce ma bucura.Are un zambet foarte dulce si este minunata , o ador ...own poza 6 :) <3.Bafta cu acest cont , ma bucur ca am dat de un #selenator atat de devotat si succes in continuare :* :*.
LittleGOMEZx5 16 June 2015  
           ✖ Thanks for your comment, sweety :).
             ✖ ElenaGheorghe.sunphoto.ro
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