1398 poze   50858 vizite
o 200 days with SelenaG challengeo i just wanna look good for youxhix 04-06-2015 II Selena xXx out in LAx 06-05-2015 II LVxcruise 2016 x RCx 09-07-2015 II x out in Los Angelesx 09-11-2015 II glamour woman of the year awards xx littleGOMEZx5x 10-11-2015 II Victoria s Secretsx 11-07-2015 II with JB beverly hillsx 11-12-2015 II BILLBOARD S 10th anual women in music Selly Gomezx 13-05-2015 II Adidas Neo Hangoutx 13-07-2015 II SG instagram videox 13-07-2015 II with Niall and friendsx 14-06-2015 II HT2 xXx Red Carpetx 14-07-2015 II Sell in MALIBU x CAx 15-06-2014 II x Press Confferencex 16-06-2015 II with Taylor Swift LAx 17-07-2015 II Selena Los Angelesx 18-06-2015 II gym in W Hollywoodx 18-06-2015 II lunch in Studio Cityx 18-07-2015 II SGwest x hollywoodx 19-06-2015 II Big Slick x Celebrity Softball Game x Selena Gomez LGx 20-06-2015 II Selena attending the Big Slick Celebrity x Bowling Gamex 22-06-2015 II 97 1 x AMP radio LAx 22-06-2015 II Hotel ChantellexNYx 22-06-2015 II Sele on Elvis Duran and The Morning Show in New Yorkx 22-06-2015 II Selena G on KIIS FMx 22-06-2015 II Times Square in NYx 23-06-2015 II JFK airport xx in NYx 23-06-2015 II MTV studio xx SMGx 23-06-2015 II Sell out in New Yorkx 25-06-2015 II Sele in Los Angelesx 25-06-2015 II With Ed Sheeran LAx 26-06-2015 II Hollywood Hills CAx 29-06-2015 II Selena out in Venicex American Music Awards 2015x ask II xjust ask me what you knowx good for you - MUSIC VIDEO smgx Good For You video teaser I songx Good for youxsingle photoshootx Happy B-DAY QUEEN I 22july1992x i remember ALEX moments SE01x i want you to know II SMG fanclubx my everything FOREVER selenax Selena Gomez II VxMagazine 2015x Selena Gomez PANTENE xx LGx5x Selena Gomez x instagram phsx Sell xPSxSummer Collection 2014x SG II AmericanBallet Theatre 2014x View My Profile Pictures x LGx5xox PERFECT TWO designs blog

membru din 5 April 2014

x 18-06-2015 II lunch in Studio City

           ✖ Selena Gomez out for lunch in Studio City. Back cu mesaj.

Comentarii album • 2
UntamedSoul 22 June 2015  
Nu ştiu ce să zic despre Selena. Îmi place destul de mult stilul ei vestimentar şi sunt sigură că nu doar mie. Câteodată mă uit la ea şi mă întreb dacă a rămas la 16 ani pentru că arată ca o copilă, e atât de cute :<. O prinde perfect negrul.
LittleGOMEZx5 22 June 2015  
           ✖ Thanks for your comment, sweety :).
             ✖ UntamedSoul.sunphoto.ro
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